Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Academic integrity training

Master’s students majoring in 061 “Journalism” attended training on academic integrity. 

On December 29, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., master’s studens majoring in 061 “Journalism” led by Olha Kutsevska, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Associate Professor, head of the Journalism Department, took part in a seminar-workshop with elements of training at the School of Academic Integrity.

The moderator of this event was Oksana Shevchyk, the leading librarian of the University library, who emphasized that academic integrity is an integral part of the educational process and to adhere to its principles must first of all start with yourself and your inner self. I”. For non-observance of virtuous principles, students and scientific and pedagogical workers may be brought to disciplinary responsibility.

Referring to the principles of academic integrity, such as honesty, respect, responsibility, transparency, courage, trust, which are the life credo of journalists in their professional activities, it was explained how to avoid plagiarism when quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. The screen also presented the DSTU 8302:2015 list of used sources design standard, which must be followed, and anti-plagiarism programs that determine the amount of originality of the text.

In conclusion, Ms. Oksana gave examples of violations of academic integrity, namely academic plagiarism and its varieties (copying, paraphrasing, compilation, self-plagiarism), fabrication, falsification, academic fraud, and academic bribery. All participants of the event received certificates.

We hope that such meetings, which are traditional, will contribute to the academic integrity of our students.

According to the Journalism Department

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