Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Happy New Year 2024!

Dear teachers and employees! We sincerely congratulate all of you on the coming New Year 2024!

Despite everything we are strong, free, independent!

We live in difficult times. The days bring both anxiety, and hope, and despair, and faith, and struggle. We cry, we laugh, we are sad, and we are happy. Because this is life. But no one canceled moments of support and congratulations on joyful events. We live on and fight, despite everything!

In a few hours, the New Year will come in Ukraine – one of the most favorite holidays of many Ukrainians, on which it is customary to make wishes. On this night, all Ukrainians will wish the same thing. Even skeptics, who do not believe in New Year’s magic, will hope for peace and the fastest possible victory for Ukraine.

The year 2023, just like the previous one, has become a period of many challenges, and we are overcoming all challenges with dignity. We welcome the Christmas and New Year holidays with pride and respect for our Heroes – every Ukrainian who is bringing the long-awaited, common dream closer.

On behalf of the Rector Olena KARAMAN and the management team, we express our sincere thanks to all the teachers and employees of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Thanks to the coordinated work of the university community, we continue to provide a high level of training of specialists.

We sincerely congratulate all of you on the coming New Year 2024! May this year bring Peace to our Ukrainian land, and joy to every home. Let all those who are not at home now return to their homes and hug their loved ones, and our common desire for Victory will surely come true!

We still have many plans ahead of us, which we will confidently implement, so that our students will continue to be able to study in a free country and get a quality Ukrainian education! We wish everyone health, happiness, inspiration, optimism, success and new creative achievements, incredible initiatives and the creation of new projects! Only together and in unity we can do everything!

And especially on these winter holidays, remember that we are strong, free, independent!

Everything is and will be Ukraine!

Happy New Year 2024!

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024