Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Academic Council meeting

On December 22, a meeting of the Academic Council of the University was held remotely.

The following issues were on the agenda:

  • about the university budget for the 2024 fiscal year;
  • about the development of the distance learning system at the university;
  • about awarding the title of scientist;
  • miscellaneous. 

The meeting began with the report of chief accountant Vita Vasylenko on the university’s budget for the 2024 fiscal year. The decision of the Academic Council recorded that the estimate of revenues and expenditures of the special fund for 2024 provides for revenues in the amount of UAH 48,500.00 thousand. The academic council identified the following expenditure items as priority areas of expenditure: salaries, payment of communal services, purchase of equipment and inventory for the maintenance of the university, reconstruction and major repairs, purchase of computer and office equipment, equipment for the educational process, scientific and methodical work, social security , awarding education recipients, etc.

The second issue dealt with the development of a strategy for the development of the distance learning system at the university. After listening and discussing the report of acting head of the Information Technology Center Mykola Semenov and Acting Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies Hennadii Mohylnyi, the Academic Council noted that since 2004, the university has been operating a distance learning organization system, which is based mainly on an asynchronous model. In recent years, a new hybrid form has been formed at the institution, where elements of distance education have become elements of regular education. Modern conditions require a review and improvement of the strategy for the development of digital learning at the university. The principles of the new strategy, potentially problematic issues, technical requirements for the implementation of digital education were considered.

The report sparked a lively discussion, which was attended by Anton Bader, the director of the ER ISHS; Yurii Zhuchok, Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics; Dmytro Drozzhyn, acting head of the Department of Commodity Studies and Trade Entrepreneurship; director of the ER ICSTT Eduard Potapenko and others. All participants in the discussion agreed that the issue is extremely relevant for the university and requires special attention and further development.

By decision of the Academic Council, the academic title of Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics was awarded to Yurii Kozub, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

At the end of the meeting, the Rector Olena Karaman and the Head of the Academic Council Vitalii Kurylo congratulated the members of the Academic Council and everyone present on the coming holidays, noting that last year had many challenges, but the team coped with them. A wish was expressed not to stop at what has been achieved and progress in all spheres of the life of the university.

Academic secretary of the university

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