Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in charity events

College students, led by teachers, took part in charity events supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

During November-December, college students, led by teachers, participated in various charitable actions aimed at supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and took part in educational projects for teachers and student youth from the National Bank of Ukraine and charitable foundations.

Their goal is to learn how to help effectively and with maximum benefit.

Such projects are aimed at improving knowledge about:

– how to do good deeds;
– how to organize a charity project in an educational institution;
– how to motivate children and young people to join charity.

Also, from the experts of the National Bank of Ukraine, we learned about the rules of payment security, thanks to which you can avoid fraud in the field of charity, about the skills of a benefactor from the point of view of financial literacy: the rules of budget planning, effective use of funds, etc.

We thank all our colleagues for participating in charity events and projects! Together we are strong!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

Lysychansk Pedagogical Professional College of LTSNU

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