Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the research discussion group of future оrientalists

On Friday, November 24th, a meeting of the future orientalists’ research discussion group of took place.

The leader of the group, associate professor of the Department of Oriental Languages N. Fedicheva made a report on the topic “Methodology of scientific research”. She also provided students with recommendations on writing scientific papers, including course and master’s theses, theses of reports, etc.

This was followed by a discussion of preparation for the annual conference “Modern trends in Oriental studies” in May 2024. Assistant Professors of the Department of oriental languages Y. Malakhov and N. Fedicheva emphasized the importance of participation of students in annual international scientific and practical conferences and recommended them topics for research.

Student Daryna Derevyanko made a presentation on the topic “Chinese characters”. Student Sofia Nedogybchenko made a speech on the topic “Cultural features of the Chinese wedding ceremony”. Student Polina Sazonova dedicated her presentation to the dragon as a symbol in Japanese and Chinese cultures. The reports caused a lively discussion, in which the teachers of the Department of Oriental Languages and students took part.


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