Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Festive day

October 1 – Day of Defenders of Ukraine, Day of Ukrainian Cossacks, the Holy Intercession of the Holy Mother of God and Teachers’ Day at LTSNU. 

The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is an opportunity to honor soldiers of any gender who defend the independence and sovereignty of their native Motherland. On this day, it is customary to remember not only the heroes of today, who defend the borders of our country from the aggressor country every day, but also the veterans of the Second World War, our Cossack ancestors, who fought for the right to independence.

During the war, we began to value our defenders even more. Every morning, Ukrainians thank the Armed Forces for the opportunity to wake up in their bed. Therefore, it is impossible to stay away from such dates and not remind the youth about the importance of their celebration for the purposes of patriotic education.

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University joined the celebration of four public holidays at once: the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Holy Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, and the Day of Education Workers.

The head of the Lubny District Council, Tetiana Petrivna Kachanenko, and Colonel Andrii Ivanovych Kolesnyk, acting deputy head of the TCC and JV for procurement, joined the patriotic event.

The Defender’s Day is a celebration of those who fought and are fighting for our country, for its freedom and independence and deserve our thanks and gratitude for their courage and dedication.

The Holy Mother of God is the patroness of all Ukraine. People have long believed that the Mother of God sews robes, sews up wounds to stop bleeding. That is why the embroidered shirt becomes a protection, the Virgin’s cover. On Pokrov Holiday, in order for all family members to be healthy, the senior hostess took an embroidered towel and hung it above the entrance door, so this sacred action was entrusted to the Rector of the University, Olena Karaman, after which she made a solemn congratulatory speech.

“We all strive for Victory together and we all do everything together to bring it closer to our country and the entire Ukrainian people as soon as possible. It is our duty to ensure that every defender feels respect and gratitude, both from the state and from civil society, so that the feat of each of them is written in golden letters in the glorious history of Ukraine,” said Olena Karaman.

The head of the Lubny District Council, Tetiana Kachanenko, added in her speech: “Today we have one task – to bring a victorious peace closer, and we are doing everything to ensure that Ukraine wins. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!” Tetiana Petrivna sincerely thanked the educators of LTSNU, who really educate successful patriotic youth who in the future will build the country and occupy high positions at all government levels. Later, from the Lubny District Council and from herself, she, in the person of the Rector Olena Karaman, congratulated all education workers of Ukraine and solemnly presented flowers in honor of this day.

The Colonel Andrii Kolesnyk was invited to speak, who congratulated everyone on the holidays and said: “On this day, we honor and thank all those who protect the territory of our state, all those who give strength in this difficult struggle, namely: our defenders, volunteers, public organizations, educators, doctors and just ordinary Ukrainian people, starting with pensioners and ending with children. We all pay our respects to them and once again thank them for their courage and approaching victory!” On this day, Andrii Ivanovych remembered the heroes of past generations who gave their lives for the independence of Ukraine and the heroes of today, many of whom, unfortunately, were awarded posthumously. In conclusion, I wished everyone present a speedy victory, a peaceful sky above their heads and urged them not to stand aside in such a difficult time and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The head of the Primary Trade Union Organization of LTSNU, Volodymyr Moroz, also congratulated everyone on the holidays, emphasized the support of each other in difficult times and also called on us to help defend our country from the enemy together and reminded: “We need to fight not with numbers, but with intelligence, that’s why many Ukrainian military personnel, more than 3,000 of them, are studying at our glorious university.”

“An earthly bow to all defenders! The Ukrainian people cannot be defeated! Glory to Luhansk National University! Glory to Ukraine! GLORY to the heroes!!!” Volodymyr Petrovych Moroz finished his speech.

Ukrainian Cossacks are a symbol of free spirituality, courage and dignity, the memory of which was also honored, trying to be worthy heirs. The Cossacks believed so much in the power of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God and so sincerely and solemnly celebrated the Intercession holiday that it received a second name – the Cossack Intercession. It was on this day that the Cossacks elected a chieftain, competed in Cossack prowess, martial arts, so as not to violate traditions, students of university divisions also competed in various fields: sports, creative and delicious.

The Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports, European and World Champion Oleksandr Dubovoi expressed his congratulations to those present on the occasion of the holidays and invited the students of the university subdivisions to participate in traditional patriotic and sports competitions, wishing everyone victory and announcing the program of contests and competitions.



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