Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Happy Education Workers’ Day!

In 2023, the Day of Education Workers in Ukraine falls on October 1.

It is a holiday of modest but worthy people, a holiday of goodness, wisdom and mercy, which has been celebrated since 1994. No matter how raging current events in the country, no matter where fate throws us, there are things in life that never depreciate, fade or forget. This is a special date when we welcome all those who teach and provide knowledge, whose work is an invaluable contribution to shaping the future of Ukraine.

Dear educators, you are forming a new generation of citizens, passing on to everyone an invaluable treasure of high education, rich spirituality, the desire for self-realization and the desire to change the fate of our country for the better.
We all work together to provide quality education, to create the best conditions for each of our students.

We are convinced that by joint efforts we will fully realize our goal – we will provide affordable and high-quality education to every citizen, we will create proper conditions for self-realization and personality development.

We express our sincere gratitude to everyone for the creative, selfless and ascetic work, responsible attitude to their vocation, pedagogical skill and selfless kindness that you always give to your students.

We wish you strength and success in all your professional endeavors. Let each of your students become original, self-aware and successful.

Victory and a peaceful sky above your head!

Happy holiday, dear educators!

Sincerely, Rector Olena KARAMAN
and Chairman of the Academic Council Vitalii KURYLO

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024