Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

All-Ukrainian Educational Forum

On September 20, the fifth All-Ukrainian Open Scientific and Practical Online Forum “Innovative transformations in modern education: challenges, realities, strategies” was attended by the acting head of the Department of Philological Disciplines Nataliia Mordovtseva, and members of the Department.

The organizers of the Forum are the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as strategic partners of the National Center “Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, leading scientific institutions, experimental institutions – leaders of education, scientific schools and public associations of Ukraine.

The discussions and presentations of the speakers were devoted to the assets of the innovative development of education; digitization of education on the basis of STEM in the conditions of European integration; extracurricular education under martial law; the information and digital environment of educational institutions: transformation, security, impact of AI; development of project activities in the context of European integration requirements for the introduction of innovations in various ecosystems; continuous professional development of adults: Ukrainian realities, foreign experience; training of qualified personnel in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine; management of adaptive processes in education in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery, etc.

We would like to thank the distinguished research scientists and speakers for interesting and relevant coverage of educational problems.


According to the ER IPP

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