Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Meeting of the Academic Council of the FNS

The first scheduled meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty in the academci year 2023-2024 was held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

The Dean of the Faculty Nataliia MATSAI opened the meeting, congratulated the members of the Academic Council, employees and students and wished them professional success, creative inspiration and fruitful work in the new academic year.

The following issues were considered on the agenda of the meeting:
1. About changes in the composition of the Academic Council of the Faculty.
2. About directions of development of the university, faculty, departments in 2023-2024.
3. About the beginning of the new 2023–2024 academic year.
4. Miscellaneous.

When considering the question “About the directions of development of the university, faculty, departments in 2023-2024”, Nataliia MATSAI focused the attention of the council members on the priority directions of the University and its structural units in the current academic year, determined by the rector, Olena KARAMAN, namely: formation of the contingent of students; the need to improve the quality of personnel; ensuring the quality of education, developing and implementing the concept of quality study, teaching and use of the English language at the university; development of research and innovation activities; activation of international activities and the process of internationalization of university education; modernization of content and technologies (forms, methods, means) of social and humanitarian work, creation of effective student self-government; development of the material and technical base, social infrastructure and a safe educational environment for all participants of the educational process and improvement of the university’s financial and economic activities. The possibility of implementing these directions in the activity of the faculty and departments was considered and the issue of forming the work plan of the faculty and departments for 2023-2024 was discussed, taking into account the August decision of the Academic Council. 

When considering the question “About the beginning of the new 2023-2024 academic year”, the speaker Olha GUBSKA focused the attention of those present on the normative base (documents of various levels) that regulate the peculiarities of the beginning of the new academic year in the conditions of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine and the second movement from Luhansk to Poltava region. She provided information on the dates of the beginning of the new academic year and the format of education for full-time and part-time bachelor’s students and master’s students; spoke about the peculiarities of the organization of offline training at the location in the city of Myrhorod and the use of various distance learning tools for online training, such as: the LNU educational portal, Microsoft Teams, ZOOM, Classroom, and other platforms.

We wish the members of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences fruitful work, implementation of all plans and victorious peace!


According to the Faculty of Natural Sciences

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