Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


Dear colleagues! The Clarivate company invites everyone to attend free webinars about the Web of Science platform in Ukrainian.

The broadcast will take place in Zoom.

Pre-registration is required for each individual event.

A participant’s certificate is provided if more than 90% of the main time of the webinar is attended.


24th August, 2023
Topic: Science of Ukraine through the prism of Web of Science

Abstracts: On the Independence Day of Ukraine, we will look at the achievements of Ukrainian scientists on the Web of Science and InCites platforms. What topics, developments of the institution, scientists are recognized in the world. Which international cooperations are more effective in terms of absolute and normalized indicators. Publications in which editions bring more results. What we can and should do for our science. Answers to questions from registration questionnaires.

Time 10:15-11:15

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Iv002c7pQueITNhW_FZMCw


31st August, 2023
Topic: Updated Web of Science capabilities

Abstracts: In Webinar on Basic Capabilities of Web of Science Core Collection. Account creation, search operators, keywords, search results and their refinement, saving. Topics, journals, partners, grants. Basic metrics: citation Hirsch index, impact factor, Journal Citation Indicator, quartile. And new functions that appeared in 2023. Answers to questions from registration questionnaires.

Time 10:15-11:15

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nU5eLfG1Rq6MkH7g1zI-tg


28th September, 2023
Topic: Integration of Web of Science and ProQuest platforms

Abstracts: The unique content of Web of Science and ProQuest platforms enable libraries and universities to fulfill ambitious tasks. Join this session to learn more about the latest integrations:

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index
Integration between Alma and InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
Integration between Alma and Journal Citation Reports
Integration between Primo / Summon and Journal Citation Reports
Further plans
Time 10:15-11:15

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MhIZjQjuSbqpNnOsuxpWvg

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