Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Survey among entrants

Specialists of the Marketing Department conducted a survey among the entrants, the purpose of which was to find out what exactly interested them in this or that department of the University.

The leading specialists of the Marketing Department of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University became interested in what exactly makes the university’s departments attractive for applicants, by what criteria they choose a place to study, etc. They decided to talk with applicants who come to the University in person at the Admissions Committee consultation points.

A representative of the Marketing Department introduced himself, got acquainted and took notes of the answers of future applicants.

Good day. May I ask how you learned about Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University?

  • I learned about the university from a friend who is already studying here.
  • My name is Irina. I learned about the university a year ago from social networks and decided to enroll here in Lubny city.
  • I am Igor. I learned about the university at school, when its representatives came to us and talked about their educational offers.
  • And I learned about the university from an acquaintance who already works here, and also went to the “Kyivska Rus” cinema on Applicant Day.
  • My name is Dasha. I learned about the university from social networks.

Why did you choose this higher education institution?

  • I personally chose this institution because I live 500 meters from it and the specialty I want to study is located here.
  • I studied the websites of many universities, among which I liked the website of LTSNU the most, and I also live in the Lubny district, so it is convenient for me.
  • My parents are satisfied with the price policy for education, although the institute I have chosen is located in the city of Poltava. It is not expensive for an average family.
  • I chose this institution myself, because I have clear plans and want to become an expert in my field and represent Ukraine in the international arena.
  • I didn’t plan to study here, but life circumstances turned out that way, and now I’m even very happy about it.

What do you expect from studying at the University?

  • I want to get good knowledge, I am waiting for new acquaintances and I hope for an ocean of positive impressions and emotions. I wanted the study to become face-to-face.
  • My dream is to learn English perfectly. I want to get a diploma and work as a translator or a teacher. I believe that without foreign languages there are no prospects in the future.
  • I need a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree. I can get all that here. I would like to become famous and make my family proud of me.
  • I came here after the 9th grade and am entering the hotel and restaurant business, because I have future plans related to this. I won’t tell you more, so as not to offend.
  • I need a higher education and there is a large selection of professions. In the end, I decided on a specialty and when I submitted documents for admission, I felt a very good attitude towards applicants. I hope to get quality knowledge and realize my aspirations.

The entrants were also asked other questions. Some answered happily, some were worried, some were shy, some answered wittily, and some with humor, but all were positive with an upbeat mood, with the desire to study at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University and hopes that their aspirations to become first-year students of LNU will come true.

We wish all entrants to have perseverance, willpower, try to get rid of some fears and complexes. This will allow you to reveal yourself more as a person and achieve better results.

Today, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University is a large educational, scientific and industrial complex, which includes eight institutes, three faculties, and six colleges.

The educational process in the basic educational institution is provided by more than 1,000 teachers — candidates, doctors of science, professors, academicians of Ukrainian and foreign academies of sciences.

Dear applicants! Don’t delay! Make a conscious, correct choice and become one of students of LTSNU! And remember that



LTSNU website: https://luguniv.edu.ua/?page_id=92728

E-mail: lnu.priymalnakomisia.27@gmail.com

Phone number of the admissions committee: +38 095 105 60 05

Marketing Department of LTSNU

© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2007-2024