Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Participation in the XIV International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine

The Department of Algebra and System Analysis took part in the XIV International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine.

From July 3 to 7, Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University hosted the XIV International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, which brought together algebra specialists from all over the world. 

One of the founders of this series of conferences is Professor Vitalii Usenko, a well-known Ukrainian scientist, founder and editor of the scientific journals “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics” and “Ukrainian Mathematical Herald”, head of the algebraic scientific school. Vitalii Usenko worked at our university from 2001 to 2006. The 8th International Algebraic Conference, held in 2011 in Luhansk on the basis of our university, was dedicated to his memory.

This year’s conference was organized jointly with Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University and the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The event was opened by Yurii Drozd (Chairman of the International Scientific Committee of the Conference, Corresponding Member of NASU, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), Hiraku Nakajima (President of the International Mathematical Union, Professor of the University of Tokyo) and Oksen Lisovyi (Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine).

The conference, unprecedented in its scale, was attended by 17 laureates of the most prestigious mathematical prizes, including three laureates of the Fields Prize, laureates of the Abel Prize, Still Prize and other most famous world prizes in mathematics. A total of 336 participants from 38 countries of the world expressed their support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian algebraic community in this way.

Our university was represented by the Department of Algebra and System Analysis. The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Anatolii Zhuchok, who was a member of the International Scientific Committee of the conference, presented the scientific report “Relatively free n-tuple semigroups”, and the Head of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis, Professor Yurii Zhuchok delivered the report “The weak endotopism semigroup of a partial equivalence”, which was based on joint work with Olena Toichkina, Associate Professor of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis.

It should be noted that since last year, the Department of Algebra and System Analysis has intensified scientific cooperation with the Institute of Algebra of the Johann Kepler University (Linz, Austria). At the algebraic conference, this Austrian university was represented by Professor Guenter Pilz, who made an interesting report on the topic “Which algebraic decompositions are “successful”?”. Mathematicians of our university actively cooperate with Professor Guenter Pilz in the field of modern algebra. The algebraic research group of our university expresses its gratitude to Professor Pilz for his support in a difficult time for Ukraine and hopes for the continuation of scientific cooperation.

At the closing ceremony, the organizers invited the participants of the conference to present their articles to the Ukrainian international journal “Algebra and Discrete Mathematics”, which is published with the support of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

We wish our colleagues-mathematicians to keep working on new scientific research and discoveries!

According to the materials of the Department of Algebra and System Analysis

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